Our Programs

The ESCC program is for children and young people in Out of Home Care who are disengaged from school across Inner Gippsland…

Education Support for Children in Care (ESCC)

The ESCC program is for children and young people in Out of Home Care who are disengaged from school across Inner Gippsland
NDIS Counselling supports participants achieve their goals and build their capacity. …

NDIS Counselling

NDIS Counselling supports participants achieve their goals and build their capacity.
ARISE provides therapeutic intervention to young people between the ages of 12-17 who are using violence within the family home….


ARISE provides therapeutic intervention to young people between the ages of 12-17 who are using violence within the family home.
Road Ready supports disadvantaged learner drivers between 16 to 24 years of age in getting their NSW P1 Probationary Licence….

Road Ready Program (Albury)

Road Ready supports disadvantaged learner drivers between 16 to 24 years of age in getting their NSW P1 Probationary Licence.
Windbreak 3690 in central Wodonga is a place young people in Wodonga can call their own….

Windbreak 3690

Windbreak 3690 in central Wodonga is a place young people in Wodonga can call their own.
Live in Mentors are volunteers who provide a safe, stable, caring and supporting living environment for young people in a shared household. They role model…

Lead Tenant (Live In Mentor)

Live in Mentors are volunteers who provide a safe, stable, caring and supporting living environment for young people in a shared household. They role model pro-social behaviour and help young people prepare for fully independent living.
The Youth Refuge Pathways and Reconnection Program is a case management service for young people residing at the Wodonga Youth Refuge as well as for…

Youth Refuge Pathways and Reconnection Program

The Youth Refuge Pathways and Reconnection Program is a case management service for young people residing at the Wodonga Youth Refuge as well as for young people between the ages of 15-18 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
The Specialist Refuge Practitioner provides enhanced and immediate short-term support to those accessing the Wodonga Youth Refuge as well as to young people in the…

Specialist Refuge Practitioner

The Specialist Refuge Practitioner provides enhanced and immediate short-term support to those accessing the Wodonga Youth Refuge as well as to young people in the community at risk of homelessness experiencing relationship issues with their families.
The Finding solutions program is a creative support service that works with young people from 12-18 years and their families to strengthen their relationships….

Finding Solutions

The Finding solutions program is a creative support service that works with young people from 12-18 years and their families to strengthen their relationships.