Our People

Our organisation is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate services to those in need.


Neville is a founding member of Junction, which started in Wangaratta in 1989.

Deputy Chairperson

Chairperson from 2016 to 2019 and now Deputy Chairperson.


Current Principal at Wodonga Senior Secondary College, Vern joined JSS in 2010.


Sherril is currently a Professional Consultant with the Department of Education, Vic.


Noel’s executive career was as the Financial Controller of Johnsons MME-Albury.

Chief Executive Officer

BEd, MChild&AdolescentWelfare, MBus(Mgt)

Chief Business Development Officer

BSc Psych (Hons) – AdvDip Community Sector Management, CERT IV in Government Investigations

People & Culture Manager

AdvDip(HR), AdvDip(OHS)

Chief Financial Officer

BCom (Accounting), CPA

Chief Operating Officer

BSocSc, Dip(ComServ)

Regional Manager - Client Services

BA (Youth Work)

Business Development Manager

BSc (Psych), GradCert(Mgt), Dip(Couns)