Read more about the article Former carer donates TVs to young people
Esther and Sarah (back), from Southern Rise Children’s Centre, deliver donated Christmas presents to Junction’s Kristin, Diana and Lauren (front).

Former carer donates TVs to young people

One of our former carers for young people has organised the donation of 12 TVs to be used for young people in care. For eight years, Chris worked with our

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Read more about the article Southern Rise children donate gifts
Esther and Sarah (back), from Southern Rise Children’s Centre, deliver donated Christmas presents to Junction’s Kristin, Diana and Lauren (front).

Southern Rise children donate gifts

[caption id="attachment_1509" align="alignnone" width="800"] Esther and Sarah (back), from Southern Rise Children’s Centre, deliver donated Christmas presents to Junction’s Kristin, Diana and Lauren (front).[/caption] Thank you to

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Read more about the article Learning from Blue Knot
Junction Support Services staff Colleen, Catherine, Mark, Angela and Tracey with Bradley from the Blue Knot Foundation at training in Albury.

Learning from Blue Knot

[caption id="attachment_1498" align="alignnone" width="800"] Junction Support Services staff Colleen, Catherine, Mark, Angela and Tracey with Bradley from the Blue Knot Foundation at training in Albury.[/caption] We were pleased

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Read more about the article We’re an Albury Wodonga Business awards finalist
The General Manager of awards sponsor 2AY 1494 Brendan O'Loughlin and Junction's Client Services Manager Janine Lawler

We’re an Albury Wodonga Business awards finalist

Brendan O'Loughlin, the General Manager of awards sponsor 2AY 1494, and Junction's Client Services Manager Janine Lawler[/caption] We are proud to be a finalist

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Read more about the article L2P’s Pam is Wodonga Volunteer of Year
L2P volunteer Pam Roth and Wodonga Mayor Anna Speedie Photo: Mark Jesser, courtesy Border Mail

L2P’s Pam is Wodonga Volunteer of Year

[caption id="attachment_1332" align="alignnone" width="4452"] L2P volunteer Pam Roth and Wodonga Mayor Anna Speedie Photo: Mark Jesser, courtesy Border Mail[/caption] Congratulations to our L2P mentor driver Pam Roth who

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