Sandra Dalton appointed chair of Junction

Congratulations to Sandra Dalton, who has been appointed as the chair of the Committee of Management of Junction Support Services.

Sandra Dalton has been appointed as the chair of the Committee of Management of Junction Support Services.

Ms Dalton has been a member of Junction’s Committee since 2011 and was appointed chairperson at the not-for-profit organisation’s annual general meeting in November.

The meeting was held at Wodonga TAFE and the highlight was a performance from Hip Hop Program participants Gage, Besi and Jastar.

Junction’s 2015-16 annual report was also accepted at the meeting.

In the 2015-16 financial year, Junction supported more than 1600 disadvantaged people across north-east Victoria. Of those clients, more than 60 per cent were children and adolescents.

In 2015-16, Junction’s Youth Refuge helped 55 young people who were experiencing homelessness.

A highlight for Junction in 2015-16 was being selected by the Department of Education to partner with Northeast Local Learning and Employment Network (NELLEN) to deliver a Navigator pilot program in the Ovens and Murray area.

Navigator aims to re-engage young people 12-17 years who have not attended school for at least a term, back into education.

Other key projects in 2015-16 include:

  • Establishment of tribal experience camp for at risk young men
  • Seven successful graduates from the Re-engagement and Pathways (RAP) Program designed for young males disengaged from education and employment, including one who gained a full-time job at Bing Lee
  • Hip Hop Program run in conjunction with Wodonga Flexible Learning Centre to create a positive outlet for young people at risk, many of whom have experienced trauma and have difficulty expressing their emotions

Junction CEO Corienne Krich thanked the not-for-profit organisation’s Committee and staff of more than 130 for their dedication and hard work and said she looked forward to the year ahead.

To read our 2015-16 annual report click here