Education Support for Children in Care (ESCC)

The ESCC program is for children and young people in Out of Home Care who are disengaged from school across Inner Gippsland.  Junction will employ teachers to provide personalized tutoring outside school and to support children and young people aged between 5 to 18 years to improve their literacy and numeracy skills and give them the tools they need for both school and later life.

The ESCC program uses a collaborative approach that involves the child or young person, carer, school, care team, and other stakeholders. This recognises the interconnectedness of factors that affect a child’s or young person’s education. It also leverages the expertise of different stakeholders to provide comprehensive support.

The program is for school-aged children and young people who are:

  • in kinship, foster, residential care and lead tenant, and
  • are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from school.
  • It provides support for up to 12 months.
  • Enrolled in school in Inner Gippsland and within one of the following Local Government Areas (LGA), La Trobe, Baw Baw, South Gippsland, and Bass Coast.

To enquire to the ESCC program please contact Junction:  0260 437 400 or email

We are here to help, for more
information, please contact

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We are here to help, for more information, please contact

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